Top-ranked graduate programs in psychology are extremely competitive to get into (think 10% acceptance rates or less). Many ambitious students will focus on getting great grades in class and being hard-working undergraduate research assistants. While...
Many psychology applicants want to stand out in their Statement of Purpose (or Personal Statement, or other similar titles that different programs name these essays). Some of them go about it entirely the wrong way. Avant garde styles, writing in the third person,...
Now that you have made it through the other side of the application process and have received more than one acceptance to a psychology doctoral program, you are the one in power. These schools have indicated that they want you; now it’s your turn to decide which of...
The quantitative portion of the GRE strikes fear into many students’ hearts, especially since many students do not feel confident about their mathematics abilities. This anxiety can make you freeze up on the test or make silly mistakes because your brain is...